About Our Courses
Our heart behind creating these courses came from a deep longing for the church to begin to operate in who we were truly meant to be. The church was never meant to be a building where we all just sit in the pews watching a performance. We are called to "BE" the church. This means dealing with heart issues and exposing all of the lies that separate us and hold us back from our destiny.
We are called to preach the good news. We become resurrected once we are born again, which means our old self dies and we now abide with our King Jesus. Jesus has made us whole by the blood of the cross and it is time to receive this revelation which is freely given to those who believe! Our prayer is that these courses will equip the body of Christ in this time to rise into all that she is called to be.
It is also our desire behind these courses is to truly build community. We must stand up against division and isolation. The enemy loves nothing more than when christians feel isolated, alone, and powerless. It is time to unify and link arms! We are in this together

Each of Our Courses Include: ​​

Weekly Zoom Teaching & Mentoring
Downloadable Course Workbook
Private Facebook Group
Community With Other Hungry Believers


This course will challenge the deepest places in your heart in order to bring the change you need to thrive into your God given purpose. We called this course Breaking Ground because it is here where we must start. We must allow the breaking, the ripping up, and the tearing down, so that all that is left in us is Jesus. We must let His Word do a violent work in us, allowing the double edged sword to remove and cut down all that we have built in our soul to keep Him at bay. We must let Him out of the box we have kept Him in, which has, in turn, hindered us from becoming who we were truly created to be. This course’s mission is to bring us to the place of complete surrender, complete emptiness of soul, so that we may be filled with His Spirit. It is our mission to revive and ignite the Holy Spirit fire inside you, that you may truly become who God destined you to be.
We are in the process of writing this course now and it has been absolutely amazing to encounter the revelations which God has been giving us. The church is not prepared for all that is coming and this course is being written to equip the bride for the times we are living in. There is a reason God has allowed the church to be shaken the way she has been since 2020. This shaking will continue in order to raise the bride in this time. We have a mandate from the Lord to bring these revelations to the bride to awaken her heart for the destiny within to birth this new era of the Ekklesia! This course will educate you on how God originally designed the church, how to identify and walk in your calling, how to realize what true unity and honor looks like, and challenge you to align as one body. The time is now for Christ’s true church to arise. Get ready! This is going to be both revelatory and fun!
The Ekklesia Arising In The New Era
Coming Soon