Christ In Me Weekly
Join me and incredible passionate lovers of Jesus to finally break free from all that has been holding you back and enter into the breakthroughs of heaven here upon this earth! The time is now!

Are you seeking a community that truly lives their life for Christ and is ready to be like the Acts Church of this new era?
Do you feel like there is more to this life than what you are living but can’t seem to figure out a clear road map to succeed?
Are you desiring a deeper relationship and more intimacy with God?
Are you looking for a community of believers to walk alongside you and pray with you?
Do you have a burning desire to draw closer to Jesus, to fully know his love so you can then love yourself and others well?
Are you looking for a deeper understanding of the bible and hungry to learn more of God’s word?

Why Join?
Here at Christ In Me, you will be inspired weekly to grow closer to Jesus in your daily walk. This is a place where you can come and grow by being challenged to come up higher in your identity in Christ. Here you will learn how to overcome every obstacle that stands in your way to live freely with all that God has gifted you to do. You will get new perspectives in life and learn how to rise above the chaos that is swirling in our world right now. You will hear testimony after testimony to help grow your faith of how God shows up mightily when we truly surrender everything to him. It is only from the place of our true Identity in Christ where we can then launch into our destiny, living a fulfilled life of abundance.
Although I never knew it, God put an identity on the inside of me that was destined before time. That identity was buried for a very long time under a darkness of shame and insecurity. I'm here to tell you that all it takes is one choice to let that identity shine and then boom! It dispels all darkness turning wrong paths into freeways of abundance and grace. This light is Jesus Christ!
Dear Friend,

In the beginning of my walk with Jesus I went from having one foot in and one foot out. Then I ran to pastors and church service after service only to find myself wrapped up in a lot of religion without any power. Then I ran after the prophetic and signs with wonders which left me in a whirlwind of excitement and confusion. And maybe just like you I did it all truly desiring more of Jesus but was left with disappointments and even more wounds in my heart but this time it was from the church. I almost threw in the towel with all the hardships I have had to face on my own but I knew I could never go back to my old ways. I knew my encounters with Jesus were real, however, I struggled deeply with fully trusting him.
I share this with you because a truly surrendered Christian walk is not easy but it can be very powerful when we surrender all to Jesus. He is the only thing that will fully fulfill us but the choice is ours. Here at Christ in me you will find community and my prayer is that some of you will find your tribe to run with until Jesus returns. It is my heart’s cry to build the kingdom outside of the church walls. All of creation has been waiting for us to finally align with all that God has put inside of us (Romans 8: 22). Come and join a powerful group of believers hungry for the more that God has for each and everyone of us!
Love, Kristin Lynnea Taylor
What you will get for joining @ $22/month:
Community through private facebook group
weekly live zoom mentoring by Kristin Taylor as well as guest speakers
Weekly assignments to challenge you in taking one step closer to your destiny
Prophetic worship with Kristin Taylor through facebook lives
Break Free from wrong belief systems:
I am done allowing the enemy to steal people's peace and the abundance that is promised to them. God delivered me from wrong belief systems and strongholds that held me back for far too long. I now love to help others break free from every single thing that the enemy is holding you back in. The things we believe in our minds and hearts are very powerful. I am here to help you navigate through the belief systems that no longer serve you.
Build Healthy emotions & Relationships:
One of the main things we want out of life is connection and to feel fulfilled overall. I have learned how important it is to have healthy boundaries and how to steward powerful relationships well. Here you will receive keys on how to recognize what healthy looks like and how to receive God's love in order for you to love yourself and others well. I am believing divine relationships will be birthed from us meeting here weekly with people from all over the world. God is divinely aligning people and assignments right now!

NOTE: You need to have an account with us so you can order the monthly subscription, if you don't have an account yet, click here!
Choose your pricing plan
22$Every monthJoin an online community of passionate lovers of Jesus!Â- Community through private Facebook group
- Weekly live zoom mentoring by Kristin Taylor
- Prophetic worship with Kristin Taylor through Facebook lives